At Pandemonium Booksellers, the Sarah Palin 2010 calendars are hot sellers, and since the election, the traffic in political books has been decidedly to the right.In the window, there is a small Wasilla Chamber of Commerce sticker and an image of the town's famous mayor-turned-governor-turned-GOP vice presidential nominee.Palin's fast political rise has been good for business: Books on Palin's tenure as governor are in the Alaska section; Obama's "Audacity of Hope" is among the titles in the politics section.There are plenty of Palin critics in her state. "Impeach Palin" signs are still visible at a downtown Anchorage lot that is a warehouse of sorts for outdoor advertisements.Her sudden selection as Sen. John McCain's running mate had a personal impact on Cheezem. He is a Democrat and decided to make a run for a state House seat last year on the calculation that local Republicans seemed a bit demoralized.